
Objectives of the Society

To work for village upliftment in favor of Gram Swaraj and Panchayati Raj.

Training Center for Promotion of Technical Education, ITI. Establishment and operation of Polytechnic, Engineering College Conducting and organizing training camps. Also, to advance qualified students in technical education Organizing competitions.

For the promotion of social welfare.

Promotion and implementation of various schemes of the Central and State Government and organizing training and Providing information to all sections of the society.

Promotion and implementation of various schemes sponsored by the State Government or the Central Government.

To work for the dissemination of useful knowledge.

Our Vision

Utthaan Sewa Foundation, our vision is to build an inclusive India by leading a holistic model to address the multifaceted development challenges of our country and contribute to its collective aspirations. Along with self-reliant India, we want to emphasize social entrepreneurship. To enhance the quality of life of the exploited, oppressed, disadvantaged, and downtrodden, empower them, and catalyze change through innovative and sustainable solutions. Our determined endeavor is to maximize social value for all and make it a movement.

Society Membership

The members of the Society shall be of the following categories:

Patron Member

A person who 1000/- or more in lump sum or paid in twelve installments within a year does , the Patron of the Society shall be a member.

Life Member

A person who 500/- or more, shall be a life member of the Society .

Ordinary Member

A person who pays Rs.10 /- per month or Rs.120 /- per year shall be an ordinary member. An ordinary member shall be a member only for the period for which he subscribes.

Honorary Member

The Managing Committee of the Society may appoint a person or persons as a voluntary member, such member May participate in the Annual General Meeting, but shall not be entitled to vote.

How to apply for Membership?

Attainment of membership Every person interested in becoming a committee member has to apply in writing. such application shall be submitted to the Management Committee which shall have the right to accept or reject the application.

Qualification for Membership ?

To become a member of the organization, a person must have the following qualifications:-

1. Age should not be less than 18 years.
2. Be an Indian citizen.
3. Have pledged to abide by the rules of the committee.
4. good character and do not drink alcohol.

Termination of Membership?

The membership of the organization will be terminated in the following situation:-

1. Upon Death
2. On going crazy
3. On not depositing the amount of donation payable to the organization as mentioned in Rule 5.
4. On resigning and on its acceptance.
5. character defects and on being removed as per the decision of the Executive Committee, the members will be informed about the passing of the decision. must be given in writing.

A register of members will be kept in the organization office in which the following details will be entered

1. Everyone’s Signature with the name, address, and occupation of the member and date
2. Date on which admission was given to the member and receipt number
3. The date on which the membership expires.

Need to know

Some details you must need to know about society

General Body

The General Body shall consist of the category of members mentioned in Rule 5. A general body meeting held as per requirement Will do, but a meeting once a year will be mandatory. The executive committee will decide the month of the meeting and the place and time of the meeting and will give it to each member 15 days in advance. The quorum of the meeting will be of 3/5 members, three months from the date of registration of the first general meeting of the organization. Will be called within In that the office bearers of the institution will be duly elected. If the concerned general meeting is held at any time is not done, the registrar will have the right to conduct the general meeting of the organization under the guidance of a responsible employee. I and office bearers will be duly elected.

Management Board

Management Board meeting will be held every month and the agenda and information of the meeting will be published seven days before the date of the meeting. It will be necessary to send it to each member of the Executive Committee. The quorum of the meeting will be 1/2 of the members if the quorum of the meeting is not complete If the meeting is adjourned for one hour, it can be held again on the same day at the same place, for which there will be no condition of quorum.


If at least 21 members of the total number (of the total number of members) call the meeting in writing, a meeting of the general body was called to consider the subject shown by him. Will go Resolution on passing of special resolution A copy shall be sent to the Registrar within 45 days from the resolution’s passing date. Issued necessary instructions to the registrar in this regard apply Will have the right to do and advise the committee.


Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.